Grounded in the Kriya Yoga tradition and the teachings of Roy Eugene Davis, we delve into spiritual wisdom, life’s purpose, and the profound impact of our daily choices. Join us as we explore the path to individual and planetary enlightenment, seeking Self-realization, a personal connection with the divine, and a harmonious life in alignment with the laws of nature. Uncover your true potential and create a positive impact on your growth and the world. Connect with the Center for Spiritual Awareness at www.csa-davis.org. Roy Eugene Davis, direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, dedicated 68 years of selfless service as instructed by his guru; to teach and initiate sincere seekers into the Kriya Yoga tradition.
Friday Jan 01, 2021
47. The Bhagavad Gita - Chapter Two (part 2) - Practical Kriya Yoga
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Senior Minister Ron Lindahn continues his discourse on the Bhagavad Gita.
This is part 2 of his talk on Chapter Two "The Yoga of Knowledge of the Imperishable"
Mr. Lindahn discusses the equanimity of yoga and acting without any thoughts of results. He also shares some of his experiences on the path.
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
46. The Bhagavad Gita - Chapter Two (Part 1) - Practical Kriya Yoga
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Senior Minister Ron Lindahn continues his discourse on the Bhagavad Gita.
This is part 1 of his talk on Chapter Two "The Yoga of Knowledge of the Imperishable"
In this talk, Mr Lindahn discusses the true self and its indestructability. How Karma and attachments influence our actions and how by being even-minded and non-attached to the results of our actions we can cease creating more karma for ourselves.
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Marty Wuttke is a CSA Minister who specializes in Neurotherapy and has been involved with researching the brain and consciousness for over 35 years. In this talk he discusses different aspects of the brain and nervous systems and how Kriya Yoga techniques can elicit lasting and beneficial changes in these areas.
Topics include: Co-regulation - how our nervous system effects others; How COVID is effecting our nervous systems; neuroplasticity; and neurotheology.
Questions on Mantra intonation, dream states and caffeine use are also answered.
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
43. The Bhagavad Gita - Chapter One - Practical Kriya Yoga
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
This is the first in a series of talks that Senior Minister Ron Lindahn gives on the Bhagavad Gita. The Gita is a guide to understanding the reality of God and how every soul can have awareness restored to higher knowledge and spiritual wholeness.
Chapter One " The Yoga of the Despondency of Arjuna"
In this talk, Mr Lindahn discusses the struggle that the spiritual aspirant faces at the idea of losing their sense of self and the fear that they will cease to be.
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
42. Letting Go - Practical Kriya Yoga
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Senior Minister Ron Lindahn discusses how as we let go of conditionings, samskaras and thoughts our spiritual progression unfolds naturally from within. Also discussed is the importance of letting go of the desire for yogic powers as described in Chpt. 3 of Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras
Friday Nov 20, 2020
41. The Eight steps to Spiritual Awakening - Practical Kriya Yoga
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Based on Patanjali's Chpt 2 of the Yoga Sutras. Senior Minister Ron Lindahn discusses the eight steps that will result in Samadhi (oneness consciousness).
Also in this talk he explains in a very practical way, the Yamas and how to incorporate these teachings into our lives so we can more easily live in harmony.
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
40. Energy and how it works - Practical Kriya Yoga
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Senior Minister Ron Lindahn explains the basics of how energy works; covering concepts such as electromagnetic fields, frequencies and magnetism. And also how our field of awareness relates to the world.
Mr Lindahn answers questions on Kriya Pranayama and how it relates to energy fields; on higher and lower vibrational frequencies and on chanting OM and how the energy moves through the chakras.
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
39. The Guru - Practical Kriya Yoga
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
What is a Guru? How do we find a Guru? What are the three types of Guru?
Senior Minister Ron Lindahn answers these questions as well as providing insights into the Guru/disciple relationship.
Mr. Lindahn also describes his experiences with his Guru, Mr. Roy Eugene Davis.
Friday Oct 30, 2020
38. Living Superconsciously - Practical Kriya Yoga
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Senior Minister Ron Lindahn discusses ways to support and nurture our meditation practice such as setting intentions and cultivating discipline and personal power.
He also answers questions about how to best use creative imagination to achieve our worthwhile goals.
Friday Oct 23, 2020
37. The Practices of Kriya Yoga - Practical Kriya Yoga
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Senior Minister Ron Lindahn discusses the three aspects of Kriya Yoga; self-discipline, self-inquiry and surrender to God and how to incorporate them into your life to remove obstructions and cultivate superconsciousness.